First stage map of Cateran’s Cultural Assets Map Launched
Posted on: 15/01/2015

We’ve just launched the first stage results of our mapping exercise, which aims to make visible all those working with arts and culture around the Trail and all the historical and archaeological sites in the vicinity. You can see the map here.


ct4888-1Photo, courtesy of Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust


Please get in touch if you are working with arts and culture around the Trail in any way and we’ve missed you first time around and we’ll make sure your details are incorporated in our updates.

The map has been created by Donna Holford-Lovell using Google Fusion Tables and OpenStreetMap with help from Grallator and Cleanweb organiser Rory Gianni. It’s and example of what you can do with software that is accessible to everyone to create a new ‘common wealth’ of information about a specific topic.