Hand craft your own traditional basket with one of Scotland’s leading willow artisans, Jane Wilkinson whilst staying in the historic East Perthshire Town of Alyth with Craft Tourism hosts Kirklandbank Farm and Vanora’s Cottages.
Over three days, you will have the opportunity to make your own basket incorporating locally grown willow and hedgerow materials. You might also choose to add found objects or small personal treasures of special significance. We will either tie these pieces in or drill them and slot them onto the uprights of the basket. This will result in interesting curves and forms within the basket giving it a “landscape look”.
October 19th (arrival), 20th, 21st, 22nd (course), 23rd (departure)
Cost for person doing the course: £330
Cost for a partner not doing the course but staying in the accommodation: £130
Costs include welcome supper, midmorning, lunch & tea time catering on course days & all materials
Enquiries and booking via alythcrafttourism@gmail.com